2811-ATTINY26L-8MU Atmel AVR microcontroller; Flash:2kx8bit; EEPROM:128B; SRAM:128B

Part Nnumber
AVR microcontroller; Flash:2kx8bit; EEPROM:128B; SRAM:128B
Basic price
1,70 EUR

The product with part number 2811-ATTINY26L-8MU (AVR microcontroller; Flash:2kx8bit; EEPROM:128B; SRAM:128B) is from company Atmel and distributed with basic unit price 1,70 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Attention! This product is sold up to the quantity available in stock. In case of larger orders, the amount will be replaced by the available quantity. Integrated circuit type : AVR microcontroller Flash memory organisation : 2kx8bit EEPROM memory capacity : 128B SRAM memory capacity : 128B Case : QFN32 Clock frequency : 8MHz Number of inputs/outputs : 16 Number of PWM channels : 2 Number of 8-bit timers : 2 Number of 16-bit timers : 0 Mounting : SMD Operating voltage : 2.7...5.5V Manufacturer : ATMEL

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(keyword 2811-ATTINY26L-8MU Atmel AVR microcontroller; Flash:2kx8bit; EEPROM:128B; SRAM:128B)
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